Friday, January 19, 2007

Well who would have guessed.

The woman who runs our church Sunday School is leaving. Actually, she and her family are leaving the area altogether, and I'm the obvoius choice to take over. Liar-to-children* IN CHIEF. How is that going to play in Peoria?

Waah! I don' wanna!

*Sunday 14 Jan. Tried to make a link and wandered out of the realms of possibility.


Anonymous said...

I've got a feeling my sister somehow got roped into taking Sunday school at one point. I'm not sure where she stands on god exactly. But I have heard her complain that her son - now 16 - is a raving atheist. Slaminsky Annie is talking about teaching RE (and liking it) at school on her blog right now. Tootle over.

I, Like The View said...

Peoria seems to be either in Illinois or Arizona, but you claim to come from Buckinghamshire

how does that work?

there is obviously a side to the learning curve on this blog that I haven't managed to climb!

(try singing in the choir, far more enjoyable than teaching Sunday school)

Mangonel said...

BiB - thanks for the heads-up. I wish I could have put it as well as she did.

ILTV - I like to think of geography as a sort of Möbius strip. Illinois, Schmillinois, the question is how many holes are there. (And may I say your presence here adds a dimension or several way round any curve. In a fabulous way. Thank you.)

I, Like The View said...

oooh oooh oooh

no, not the Funky Gibbon, but something else entirely

I have a great Mobius strip image (altho I always thought it was a Moebius Loop) (but what's a vowel and a dimensional variation, eh?) (and that's exactly what you were saying) (so - does that make it a conundrum or tautology)

*zips back to post graphic*

(oh, and, erm, thanks!)