Wednesday, January 10, 2007


It has gradually been dawning on me that there is quite an art to making lists. I'm thinking here of yer basic to-do, rather than - ooh, I dunno, resolutions? party guests? shopping? laundry? I'm sure that there is an art for each of those (except laundry, because I have no idea why people would do one. Or possibly did one, it has a pleasantly antique ring to the name). Nope, the one that has been tripping me up is the to-do.

F'rinstance, a frequent entry on mine is 'Call so-n-so'. Easy-peasy. Find a blank two minutes, pick up the phone, right buttons in the right order, and I'm away. Except, of course, often enough I'm not. The line is engaged, or the answering machine kicks in. By then my two minutes is up, and I've moved on to the next thing, and where it all goes to hell in a handbasket is that that to-do entry has now been crossed off the list. Done it. Next. And whatever it was that I called about remains undone, but it's no longer my concern, because I've done my bit. See? It's the entry that's wrong. If it had said ''Arrange for the doo-dad to be shifted", then no amount of phoning, messages, crossing-off and hand-dusting would do, until the doo-dad was actually shifted.

So when the entry says "Write Blog", no amount of reading other blogs, commenting, research, reading the next chapter, or Saving as Draft will do. The entry needs to say PUBLISH POST.

ps Re-watched The Wonder Boys last night. Even had SO laughing out loud. Possibly the greatest movie EVER about not writing.


Corey said...

True, Wonder Boys rocks. Greatest novel about not writing either, by the way.

Anonymous said...

I agree, cracking film.

FirstNations said...

use the ole phone sales trick:
make a DOT . next to something you have done but not been able to carry thru
make a CHECK/ next to the item you finished.
then go back later and re-do all the dots unitl each one has a check nect to it.
sometimes you'll get this:
dots equal number of attempts.

believe it or not, thats what i do. i have no life and am pathetic.
never saw the movie. too busy writing.
and making dumb marks on lists.

Anonymous said...

The best thing about it is the soundtrack.

It is, to my knowledge, the only film to quitely feature the lyrics "give me crack and anal sex" in the background.

Wyndham said...

Never seen the film but Bob Dylan's Things Have Changed is a cracking song from the soundtrack.

Anonymous said...

Not relevant to your post I know but thought you would want to know that I've had a text from Realdoc and Stephen Mangan has turned up at their Convention thingy. If it's any consolation II'm pretty gutted too>

Mangonel said...

Corey, another book for my wishlist. Thank goodness my library is nearly done.

Realdoc - nah. I'm not speaking to you.

FN - thank you. Your system has the added advantage of enabling me to prove just how much work I do around here. 'Just look at how many dots there are...!'

Wyndham - see the movie. It's really funny. How's the job going?

Kieran, would you be kind and tell me when-abouts in the movie said lyrics occur? It will certainly not be the last time I see the flick, and would love to appreciate it from another perspective.

TME - your sister has a mean streak a mile wide.