Wednesday, January 17, 2007


SO and I had our inaugural veg-out in our new library last night. I suppose to avoid confusion with our new Community Library we should call it 'the study' or 'the den' or some-such, but no, actually, it is a library. Floor to ceiling shelves full of (mostly) books, two leather armchairs, (pretend) fireplace, Turkish rugs, brocaded curtains, small-but-perfectly-formed telly, it's a lovely room.

So last night we wallowed in coffee, chocolate cake, armagnac and West Wing 7.

I revell in that show. The characters are compelling, the insight into government processes illuminating, and the dialogue crackles like static electricity. Getting back into that world was like slipping into a hot bath with a good book. I know who the leak is, I know who wins the election, but I don't care - it's a rare treat to see a good story well told.

I used to think that is epitomised a certain schizophrenia of the US of A's, but latterly I'm not so sure. As an extended ad for the Democratic Party I'm surprised it doesn't have the Republicans howling for blood. And of course it teaches more about the American system of government that any number of civics lessons. I do wonder, though, if there are young men finding themselves drawn into politics because of the statisticallly improbable number of young, fit,long-blonde-haired women staffing the White House.

ps In total contrast I also finally watched the last-ever episodes of Dibley. Apart from the crashing disappointment at how shoddy the writing was, why has no-one mentioned the startling similarity of Geraldine Grainger's and Caroline Todd's reaction to being finally married? Is James Henry sleeping with Richard Curtis? I think we should be told.


Anonymous said...

I want your library!! Sounds wonderful.

Your last paragraph is cracking me up..

Anonymous said...

Damn living abroad! I understand fewer and fewer Anglo-Saxon (as the continentals might put it) references. Schade, Schade...

I, Like The View said...

I'm liking the thoughts of coffee and chocolate cake and armagnac and a fireplace and Turkish rugs and brocaded curtains. . .

(and the answer to your question is "yes, he is")(obviously, the alternate answer is "no, he isn't")*

(*I'll let you choose)

Mangonel said...

Valerie - oh it is, it is.
But of course it's not just JH and RC, its all six-or-whatever at GW, and RC and Andrew someone who co-wrote Dibley. And an unfeasibly large bed.

BiB - I'd suggest that that's what box sets from Amazon are for, but you don't strike me as much of a telly watcher. I could be wrong. You really should give GW a go though.

ILTV - May I ask Schroedinger's cat? I'll get back to you.

I, Like The View said...

I'm so tempted to write: I don't know - may you? but actually I'll write this

of course you may; and I look forward to hearing from you on that one, or the other one, depending on which way it goes

Mangonel said...

ILTV - All I did was open the bloody box! I ask you - one dead cat, one unasked question. Life is full of loose ends.

I, Like The View said...

well, that was your mistake

never open a bloody box - bound to have something dead in it. . .

next time choose the one with no blood - the cat will be alive and grinning like fury and will wrap itself around your ankles and give you the answer you so desire and deserve in exhange for a bowl of cream