Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Its a worrying world

On Monday afternoon, our village and its environs suffered a power failure of about two hours. The day left enough light to locate the candles and matches, make a quick trip to the hardware shop for paraffin, light a fire and get in enough logs to last for a bit.

And time enough to start thinking about considering contemplating getting a tiny bit anxious. Hilarious imagining re-connection at 4:00am, and being woken by a houseful of bright lights, but how long, after all, would it last? It's blimmin' cold out there - how soon would it be cold inside too? And between the bangings-on of the Economist, Al Gore and SO, who works in the oil industry, it wasn't too hard to imagine a time when the power just wouldn't be on again.

In countries where this happens frequently, is it better, because one is used to it, or worse, because each power cut might by the one that doesn't end?

And where would things start to unravel?

With the passing of the years, am I getting more realistic, or just older?

P.S it occurs to me that these worries have completely overshadowed that fact that I have been computerless for the last 48 hours. Had to find the installation disks before I could get past a blue screen error. I've already tried 'the dog ate my homework' on Tim, and I think he believed me - will I be so lucky this time?


Dave said...

We'll all need bicycle-operated generators for our computers soon. That, and a clockwork internet.

Dave said...

Ooh. I think I'll write about that vision, tomorrow. Thank you.

I, Like The View said...

more realistic

(so - how was it in an internet free world?)

cello said...

I am normally quite carefree, but I too imagine what life would be like if the entire infrastructure of society broke down.

So much so that I keep nagging Mr C to install some mini-wind generators on our roof. And I persist in trying to grow our own vegetables, despite the fact that it costs us a fortune if you add up the cost of the land, the cost of the mushroom compost and my time (and an occasional gardener). I always keep loads of sed packets to hand, just in case - though I don't have any wheat(must correct that immediately)

I'm also investigating sinking our own well as we live close to where Chiltern Water bottle their stuff so I figure it must be around somewhere.

Gosh, I have now revealed myself to be totally paranoid before you have got to know me.

But the answer to the 'why no blog?' question is that I don't want another responsibility. Much more fun to come and squat on other people's blogs I find!

Mangonel said...

Dave - 'that vision'? I thought you meant Samantha!

ILTV - I was left with the feeling that maybe I needed the internet more than it needed me . . .

Cello - a whole vegetable plot! Come the Big Freeze, which I am informed will happen after the Big Fry, you are going to be everyone's best friend. Mine, certainly. I just do garlic and onions - the staples, don'tcha know. I'd love to know how you get on with the wind generators. The best information we have so far is that they can shake your house to bits, which was very disappointing as I want one too. And thank you for stopping by - mi casa es su casa.

I, Like The View said...

oh, I have that feeling all the time

but there's nothing wrong with wants and needs, is there? or - possibly - admitting to them. . .

a few years ago I had a rather excellent vegtable patch and was involved in a fruit and vegetable swap scheme with other people (who were slightly more adept, I have to say, at weeding and pruning and mulching and general care and maintenance of the greener side of life than I)(thus I suspect I came out of the deal rather better than they did)

and just recently, chez ILTV, I was discussing an article from New Scientist about the number of hamsters it would take to generate enough electricity to power your house (you know, hamsters running around those little wheels)

and this is why I love, want and need the internet - kind of a cyber penpal scheme

(ps I don't speak Spanish, but someone told me that casa means shit as well as house - is this true?!)