Sunday, March 02, 2008

A Week Without a Washing machine

Yesterday saw an emergency dash to John Lewis as (did I really just type that? 'Emergency Dash to John Lewis'? How horribly middle-class.) our washing machine finally collapsed. Our painstakingly-researched (or possibly, 'Here's the first one in the row. WE'LL TAKE IT!) selected model won't be delivered until Friday. In the mean time, as we were due at SO's folks today to celebrate various birthdays, we packed up all the washing, both sopping wet from the busted machine, and fresh (HAH!) from the laundry basket, and ruthlessly exploited the in-lawful, and fully functional, washing machine. Twice.

All worth it to hear his mother muttering, 'Forty six years old and still brings his washing home. . .')


Dave said...

If only you lived closer (if only anyone lived closer to North Norfolk) you could have borrowed mine. It's free most days.

FirstNations said...

I'm here! really, I am!

I've been hauling my father in law all over hells half acre lately and...and...

screw it, i'll just backread.

SO GLAD TO SEE YOU BACK! (are your tulips coming on yet?)

Malcolm Cinnamond said...

I'm 46 and I find I have to take at least one item of dirty clothing (a shirt usually) to my mother's house just to give her to wash otherwise she seems to get all worried that I haven't got any clean clothes - it's some sort of compulsive disorder, I reckon.

Mangonel said...

Dave, I know. Thank you.
FN! WIll we get to read about your FiL?
Malc - her disorder or yours?

Malcolm Cinnamond said...

Hers - definitely!

I, Like The View said...

I like going to launderettes myself