Thursday, February 28, 2008

Oh, the pain

There are two things I want from nanotechnology. Neither of them difficult, and both of them contributing significantly to the quality of life in this country.

One. I want a nanotech bug that eats nothing but Japanese Knotweed. I guess it would have to be activated by something local to here - maybe a signal broadcast from the mobile phone networks - so that if it got accidentally shipped off to Japan, it won't destroy the entire eco-system, but that can't be hard. And the only thing it's built to do is eat Japanese Sodding Knotweed. At our last home in Chiswick, never mind infesting our garden, it was in all the gardens in the street and the three parallel, all over the railway embankment and threatening the little wildlife enclosure. We moved out nine years ago - I haven't had the nerve to go back.

Two. I want a nanotech bug that eats nothing but PLAQUE. Isn't dentistry about due for some sort of revolution? I had a DEEPLY uncomfortable hour in the chair yesterday, and am due two more sessions over the next month. (Oh frabjous day, let joy be unconfined etc etc.) The activity seems pre-historic in it's sophistication - I doubt it has changed significantly in - well, ever, would be my guess. (And let's not forget the cost. Holy shoot.) Why on earth can't THEY design a bug that stays dormant in toothpaste, is activated by saliva and chews its way through the unwanted contents of your mouth. It would be desirable if it didn't crap there, so maybe once it was full, it would just stop. You would just swallow it and thereafter dispose of it in the normal manner.

Please? Someone? Anyone?


Dave said...

For some years I've been waiting for a nanotech bug which stays in my bloodstream, repairing all defects in my body, and gradually returning me to a peak of perfection.

Alternatively, one that eats kidney stones before they start to leave the kidney would be quite pleasant.

Tim F said...

But something would doubtless go wrong in the delivery, and they'd create a bug that would eat all your plaque and tartar and stuff, and then fill you mouth with Japanese knotweed.

Mangonel said...

Dave! Yes! Great idea. I cannot believe it's difficult. Once they've ironed out Tim's bug though. (Bug. See what I did there?)

I, Like The View said...

the one and only time I've been to the hygienist I almost threw up about ten minutes in and have never been back since

plaque, schmack! probably holds our teeth in our mouthes and the world of dentistry is just another modern technology too far and too interfering. . .

I'd like a nanotech bug that would create the perfect male companion and change him subtlely to suit my moods and desires

please? someone? anyone?
