Monday, February 12, 2007


Well, it was always going to be Connery, wasn't it? Scotland forever, and all that.

And here's the thing that decided me. I noticed that the Connery collection offered by Amazon lacked Never Say Never Again, so when I saw said movie on sale in Woolies for £4 (Four! Pounds!) I took it as a Sign.

*sigh* what is it about cheap DVDs? I can't stop myself. Unless what's on offer really is crap. And it's not even as if I watch the stuff, as I would rather spend the time surfing. It's no good for lending, as by the time it's got that cheap everyone has already seen it.

I found myself on the verge of buying another copy of Donnie Darko because is was on sale at £2, and the one I already had cost £6. For a brief moment it actually made sense. (And no, I haven't seen it yet.)

I did buy a duplicate once. I have two copies of that splendid movie Serial Mom. Luckily I had the presence of mind to leave one in its cellophane, in the event that I need an emergency present. Dunno for whom tho', as I'm the only person I know who rates John Waters.


I, Like The View said...

do you like him in Highlander? actually, I quite like Christophe Lambert in Highlander

*goes off in daydream*

oh! I have Donny Darko too, and I haven't watched it yet either

something really weird happened today, I logged onto Amazon to try and look for a book and on my "recently viewed" page were the items I'd clicked on in your post below - how did that happen?

(der, I've just realised - it's not about you liking Connery, is it - SO likes Connery. . . ??)(just ignore me - I'm as confused as ever!)

Wyndham said...

I'm like that with books. If I see a book I've already got wsith a nicer cover I find myself buying it anyway. Madness!

Mangonel said...

ILTV - I didn't realise liking Connery was optional. Best Bond, with properly-sized women (except for the boobs. Always with the boobs.) Liked the bold Christophe Lambert, btw.

Wyndham - me too with the book thing. Only I feel zero guilt about buying them. When moaned at about the amount of shelfspace we clearly don't have, all I have to do is point out the many copies of The Last Grain Race on SO's side of the bed and I have the moral high ground for once! Oh - and I ordered another floor-to-ceiling bookcase for our library. Just in case.