Sunday, February 04, 2007

It's. oh. so quiet.

Bloody Nicodemus, tip-toeing around like that.

*sigh* Sunday School tomorrow later today. Being as how I 'teach' the three to four year olds (translate that as 'try to keep the lid on'), whatever the subject, the teaching involves a lot of running around and shrieking. It is, after all, their preferred mode of expression, and they are going to do it anyway. So - Solomon building a temple, 'And how did the people worship? YES! By dancing around wildly and yelling loudly! PRAISE THE LORD!' Elijah was a good couple of lessons - 'King Ahab was so angry with Elijah that Elijah had to run away really fast yelling! HELP ME GOD!' And the priests of Baal were a gift - 'How did they pray to their god? By dancing wildly around the altar and yelling! 'BAAL LIGHT THE FIRE!' Give 'em back to their parents good and knackered, say I.

But not this time, oh no. Yours and my favourite member of the Sanhedrin, more than his job's worth to be seen with flavour-of-the-month rabble-rouser JESUS, yes let's hear it for NICODEMUS! has to go visiting in the middle of the night, as quietly as poss., whisper a conversation with The Man, and then sneak back home to have a Good Think.

I'm doomed.


Dave said...

Personally, I was quite grateful, the week before Christmas, to have such a bad cold that I could hardly speak; it meant at the carol service, and then the Christingle, that I could whisper that the kids would have to be very very quiet if they wanted to hear what I was saying - and they shut up completely; rather than trying to compete with their noise, I got them to co-operate with my silence.

I, Like The View said...

as a mother I have always found that the whisper is far mor effective than the yell

(with small punters, I mean)

(can be far more menacing, when menacing is required!)(not in a mean and nasty way. . .)

I love the bit about go visiting in the middle of the night, as quietly as poss, when you posted at 3 something am!

and I too, by the strange and wonderful coincidence that blogging often is, had a Sssshhhhhh Bjork moment this week, and someone then emailed me a YouTube thing of the video. .

if only I was an html tecci like yourself I could post it (like you did the one of some show or other that I totally didn't get)

I'm skipping choir singing this morning as I have a head cold; and that's another beauty of blogging, one can do it with a head cold

happy Sunday!

I, Like The View said...


I was going to paste the utube link in for you for that Bjork video - only, I can't do the html; and, when I proofed it, the link went straight into someone-else-who-used-my-computer's account (and you don't want to be looking at what else is in there, I can tell you)


*walks off feeling very inadequate*

Dave said...

iltv: the way to post links in comments is different to the way you do it in your own blog (which I have already taught you, but which you have, so far, failed to use).

I could teach you how, but would I be wasting my breath?

I, Like The View said...

(sorry mango for this)

it's not that you've not taught me well, or that I've "failed" in any way. . .

just a matter of timing

like all good comedy

Dave said...
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Dave said...
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FirstNations said...

the ex-father-in-law used to play a game invented by his grandmother called 'church' when he was a sat on the front step and stayed as quiet as you could for as long as you could. the one who went the longest won. what, was never mentioned.
that he fell for this all throughout his childhood makes me think there might have been a genetic component...i was married to his son briefly and that reinforces the notion...

Mangonel said...

Or maybe the little blighters have rumbled me . . .

Back in The Day, when I was Mars and Eris and Athena all rolled into one, it didn't matter whether I yelled or mumbled, if I said 'jump', they asked 'how high?'

I gave all that up though, for a life I have no qualifications for, and have to make up as I go along. Which I am largely happy doing, except that Sunday School demands a level of conviction I just don't have. And they know it.

FN - I remember that game. Never was any good at it.

ILTV - no apologies - I look forward to learning something too. Would you find this useful? (note how I can't be fagged to do a link in the comment box either.)

And Dave - 'different from'. Get thee to a - Oh - you already did.

I, Like The View said...

good g*d woman

you over estimate my abilities somewhat

I can do a mean cut and paste, using Ctrl C and Ctrl V, and bold and italic - but that's about as far as it goes

however, ever one to rise to a challenge, and since you are the fourth person who has tried to teach me this, I feel I must now master my fear of the unknown and get me hence back to an html lesson (thank you, BTW!)

after I've had a fag and a cup of coffee, that is

*saunters off singing*

everybody screamed, when I kissed the teacher