Saturday, October 28, 2006

International Leather II

Trying to keep my mind on the Scrabble game,

HER: We were at Erotica, the trade fair at Olympia, the usual, y'know, happy hookers, hermans in 5" stilettos and 5 o'clock shadows, and so on, when I spotted a pair of VERY pally young men wearing chaps and not much else. They were walking in perfect unison, very very close to each other. I realised why when I spotted that they had a joint penile / scrotal piercing.


I lost.

Then I had a game with a first-timer who turned out to be a 16 year old schoolgirl in New Zealand. On my turn halfway through the game the only play I could reasonably make was - well, I typed furiously into the chat box, "I'm really really sorry about this, but it does give me a score of 36, and gives you the possibility of a K in a triple word, and please please don't tell your parents!" as I laid down the word FUCK.

Hey, if she can't stand the heat she has to get out of the kitchen. In the event, she told me that her father had dropped his gardening, her mother the cooking, and her brother his - well, whatever teenage boys like to hold - all to stand round the monitor to watch the game. Great - a whole kiwi family watching me lay obscenities on a virtual Scrabble board. And she didn't even use the triple word - I did. HA!

1 comment:

BiB said...

Nothing as exciting as this has ever happened in my 9 billion games of internet scrab. I feel like a million games now, in fact, but work prevents. Fuck with a triple word score.