Friday, January 04, 2008

I'm with Moses

In the dark. Something is wrong with the fuse for the kitchen lights, they haven't been on all day, and I can't see a damn' thing. So cooking is chancy, washing-up decidely sub-standard, and blogging totally out of the question.

But look what I found in my library book! I saw the dedication first, and wondered that such a gift would have found its way, clearly unread, into the county stock. And then I notced the autograph, and I can't help feeling that this is some terrible mistake, and out there is some anguished William really wanting his book back. The way I see it, I have two options - a) tell a librarian, or b) pay the lost book fine, and change my name to William by deed poll.

Hmmmm . . .


Dave said...

c) blog about it, and maybe someone called William (using, for instance, the blogging nom-de-plume of Dave) claims his book back.

Barry Lawrence said...

d) Blog about it, change your named by deed poll to Ms S Stone and then chase Kevin Crossley Holland for the Royalties.
e) Burn the book so you've got light and heat to cook by and do the bloody washing up!

Zig said...

f) buy another copy and return that to the library.

Do you know for a fact that's KCH's signature eh? There's probably some local nutter who signs assorted library book for the hell of it . . .
quite amusing actually, I might give it a try!