Monday, January 07, 2008


Here's one I never met before. Undoubtedly something that everyone in the whole world knows except me, has done for ages and by now its so fuckin' passe that no-one uses it any more so I should just go get a life, ok?


I just hate when that happens - something pops up all over the damn' place and you have no idea what it means, and it takes you bluddy ages to figure out what everyone else is going on about. Well, not you, obv., I mean me, on account of you had it sussed ages ago, didn't you, you smug know-it-all git. Or else, like Betty or Reg you have absolutely no need of it AT ALL.



There's this place called Mumsnet. Not my sort of place at all really - a parenting forum for those who dunno what to do when little Samantha won't stop biting the heads off lizards, or baby Sebastian who is only three but is halfway through the Narnia series and wants to learn Greek, what shall I do! Bleurgh.

Except every so often, a whole bunch of them completely go off on one. Someone starts a thread and it spirals out of control, and my friend who actually does seriously visit the place sends me a link - like this one, and I end up with aching ribs and a runny nose from weeping with laughter. Dang, these women can be funny.

And here was where I found this never-before-seen abbreviation. I did make the (IMHO) reasonable leap that it hadn't been invented solely for this particular thread, and is to be found in general usage on the rest of the site. Is this a particularly parenting thing? A defence mechanism to use when you know you are, or a rallying cry from a lone voice of reason in a topsy-turvy world? It cropped up an awful lot, and I was left wondering whether parenthood turned otherwise reasonable people into needy passive-aggresives riddled with self-doubt?

Or Am I Being Unreasonable?


Valerie said...

Oh, lordy. I snorted out loud. A great thread. I think those kids are driving them a little mad, though...

I like AIBU. There are many grumpy reasons to use the phrase. I haven't run into it before, but I'm dreadfully behind the times.

Barry Lawrence said...

It all sorted with bleedin' LOL - and I've only just worked out what that means!
I can't say I'm a big fan of acronymspeak. If it goes on, we'll just end up communicating in one giant string of capital letters which can only be deciphered by a new breed of women with buns in their hair at a new Bletchley Park!

Dave said...

Thank you for explaining it. I'm with Reg. Having spent two years thinking LOL meant Lots of Love, life would be a lot simpler if everyone just used the English language as she was intended.

Mangonel said...

Valerie - glad you liked the thread! There was also the most fabulous thread about lady gardens - if I can find it I will pass it on.

Reg - I kinda meant that you would have no use for this abbreviation because you are never ever unreasonable. Ever.

Dave - I bet your texts have every word spelled out in full, and are perfectly punctuated. Mine too.

Anonymous said...


Mangonel said...

Yay! I love FUBAR! Geologist SO comes across Fubarite many times in his professional life.

Ever had a CRAFT moment?

Anonymous said...

I pretend to be young and I didn't know AIBU and have no idea what FUBAR and CRAFT are. Do tell.

Malcolm Cinnamond said...

You spell out and punctuate your texts? I was starting to think it was only me.

Thanks for that link - great start to Tuesday. LOL (Just this once)

Zig said...

I know what a craft moment is!!!

YAY, I must be modern, even though I have them every day now!

Mangonel said...

BiB - I don't even pretend any more.

Hello Malc, welcome. My texts a freely peppered with 'Please' and 'Thank You', too.

Zig, I guess I should make something out of 'Witch'CRAFT, but inspiration is curiously absent.

So, for those of you whose breath has been bated, here we go . . .

Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition

Can't Remember A Fucking Thing!