Sunday, August 05, 2007

Daisy, Daisy

Our friend Daisy, who is one week short of her fourth birthday, and has a twin brother (Current Thinking has it that, developmentally at this age, twins generally lag about six months behind singletons), has just mastered the art of riding a bike without stabilisers. (Which I think is bloody good going. There's one in the eye for for Current Thinking.)

While her parents stood in the garden chatting, Daisy rode her bike straight into the back of her Dad's legs, and fell off. Bouncing up, hands on hips, she berated him 'DAD! You MUST learn to look where you are going!

Under his breath, Daddy retorted 'Hmph! Women drivers!'

We are off to visit the parents-in-law for a few days. Weep for me.


FirstNations said...

oh geeze. right after your nice vacation too!

i never learned to ride a bike until i was six so yes, excellent going!

Valerie Polichar said...

Man. I was seven. Clearly she's possessed. Run away!

Er, but I wouldn't run away to the parents-in-laws. I just spent three months living with my MIL (as we do every year now), and I was so deliriously happy this past weekend (she went home the previous week) that I was randomly singing "Coolsville" really loudly all over the house.

I dunno why I picked that particular song.

Zig said...

one of my daughters was 3 and one was 5 - it was the slightly (academically) cleverer one that was 5.
I don't know what that proves, if anything.

Breezy said...

No one does the hands on hips like a four year old girl

Mangonel said...
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Mangonel said...

Hey FN, Yup. Exhausted all over again.

Valerie! You know her! (Three MONTHS? Ouch. Really.)

Ziggi, it proves, rather neatly I think, that you were a child bride, of course.

Hi Breezy (nice new handle!) - I don't know too many of this type of little blighter. I hope to goodness Daisy isn't representative, lovely though she undoubtedly is.